Friday, October 3, 2008

and while we're thinking about the end of the week...

here's a story that appeared in the The Duluth Budgeteer this past week about our very own blog and beloved store.
Read our fame before it's archived!


Andrew Slade said...

Hey, I actually found out about this blog through the Budgeteer...good stuff!

jmcc said...

Very cool! Thank you much.

I like your site as well - also through this wonderful interconnect of blogs! Very happy to carry your books in the store! (I could send you a link for folks to buy your books from us online...)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the Budgeteer expects people to pay for 2-week-old articles.

Are there really that many people in small cities who want to have a printout of local interest stories?

The 19th century newspaper mindset is so very hard to overcome.

Northern Lights said...

I hadn't realized that it would cut out so quickly... I'll try and see if I can't find a link that doesn't require payment...